Update Changes in Personal Particulars with ACRA

In our blog post on “Update Changes in Company Officers and their Particulars”, we shared that certain personal particulars of your Company’s officers i.e. directors, company secretaries, auditors and CEO, are required to be updated within 14 days from effective date of change.

From 13 May 2022 onwards, the updating of personal particulars of your Company’s officers has been enhanced by pre-filling the relevant fields, making the digital transactions faster and more convenient. Where possible, the Accounting and Regulatory Authority (“ACRA”) now obtains certain personal information from Immigration and Checkpoints Authority of Singapore (“ICA”) to ensure accuracy of information submitted.

So now, what are the personal particulars that you are required to update with ACRA?

FIN / Passport Holders

Essentially, you will need to update ACRA via Bizfile on changes of any of the following personal particulars of your Company’s officers and shareholders who are FIN or passport holders.

  • Name
  • Identification type
  • Identification number
  • Nationality
  • Residential address
  • Alternate address
  • Land/fixed line number
  • Mobile number
  • E-mail address

There is no fee to file these changes.

Singapore Citizens / Permanent Residents

For your Company’s officers and shareholders who are Singapore Citizens or Permanent Residents, only changes in the following will required to be lodged with ACRA:

  • Land/fixed line number
  • Mobile number
  • E-mail address

The rest of the other personal particulars will be obtained from ICA as ICA is the primary source of such information with respect to Singapore Citizens or Permanent Residents.

Should there be a change in residential address, Singapore Citizens and Permanent Residents are expected to update ICA within 28 days of moving into a new residence. ACRA will be informed of the new residential address through the One-Stop Change of Address Reporting Service (OSCARS) within one working day.

There is no fee to file these changes.


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