Change of Name of Companies Act

With effect from 31 December 2021, Singapore legislation has new names. The main objective is to modernise and simplify the language used in Singapore legislation. Generally, the Acts are now revised to use plain English as far as possible, including gender-neutral language where appropriate.

Streamlined Citation

Acts are now referred to by their name and the year of enactment and chapter numbers are no longer required. Using Companies Act as an example - in the past, there would be various ways of citation e.g.

  • Companies Act (Cap. 50)
  • Companies Act (Chapter 50)
  • Companies Act, Cap. 50
  • Companies Act, Chapter 50

Now, it is simply referred to as Companies Act 1967.

Three Main Points to Take Note

  1. There is no change to meaning of the Singapore Legislation.
  2. It is not necessary to update the title of the Act in existing documents which makes reference to an Act.
  3. Existing documents which cited the previous name of an Act do not become invalid.

Next Steps

Although your Company's existing documents might have cited an Act by its previous name, it will be taken to refer to the latest in-force version of the Act with the revised short title i.e. name of the Act and the year of enactment. For instance, Board and Shareholder resolutions previously passed by your Company remain valid and references to Companies Act (Cap. 50) will be taken to refer to Companies Act 1967.

Going forward, when replacing documents or preparing new documents, it is advisable to update the relevant references in your Company's internal and external documents to cite the new name of the Acts. Hence, when your Company passes Board and Shareholder resolutions, it should cite Companies Act 1967.

You will be pleased to note that all template resolutions by SimpliReso have already been updated to reflect the new names of the Acts. If you have purchased any of our products, you would have automatically received the latest version of the purchased products at no extra charge.

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